Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Jack's got another cold. Pah!
Martin is coming home today, didn't work out, again. Tis all about the money. Assault = no overtime = no money, it's a typical example of how these kind of incidents have a more profound effect on people's lives.

It's cold, I have no work, come on work, where are you? I should be relishing my free time, but I'm not, I wasn't born to be bored, I detest being bored. If anyone from the TA is reading this, please send me some work, please, just a bit, well alot, if you haven't got alot then just a bit, please, pretty please, with a cherry on top.


Delores Getmeslippers said...

God Bless you Jack. Maybe it is good Martin is coming back. He can try again when things settle down for him.