Saturday, 6 December 2008

Morning all. I don't like this weekend, I have long days at Sains and keith has 12 hour shifts as well, so it seems for the past week and the future week as Keith comes in I go out, and neither of us like it. Been a bit stressy for me this last few days as jack is really poorly, and my Jack hardly ever gets poorly. He woke up Thursday morning with a fever, headache and sore throat, he improved a bit as the day went on, then yesterday morning he woke up being sick and now he has the worst stinker of a snotty cold I have ever seen. I absolutely hate leaving him for 8/9 hours to go to work. He is with Keith or mum or uncle Stan but I want to be with him. Working from home this last 5 or 6 years I have never had to leave him, so I am finding it a bit hard. He don't care, he takes it all in his stride.

We keep having powercuts in this town. It's very annoying. There was six powercuts the other morning whilst I was doing my transcript work, and each and every time it threw the computer offline and I lost a good proportion of my work, I was getting very frustrated. Yes I do save it and yes I know Word has an auto save, but there is a reason why I can't use auto save but it's too early to explain. Sainsbury's are also getting them, we had emergency lighting the other evening, it was lovely, they was also playing Christmas music. I think they should dim the lights and do that every night. I will put it in the suggestion box.

I best get ready now, I have a nine hour day at Sains, and I have to wake Jack up and get him down Uncle Stan's, of which I feel extremely guilty doing when he is poorly. He should stay tucked up in bed, not be dragged out. ::sigh::


Delores Getmeslippers said...

Hope Jack is better soon. You have got to stick to your original plan.

LYN said...

hope the little one is better long have you been at sains?? i know your son works there..right?

Unknown said...

Aww, lots of sympathetic noises for you...I know it's horrible leaving poorly boys, and all for the sake of earning a crust.
Hey, I heard Stereophonics playing in S'burys tonight, was that cos of you???!!