I've woken up with pains in my chest this morning, it's probably nothing, but it's a warning sign and I don't like it. If this isn't the time to quit smoking I don't know what is.
I have a long shift at Sainsbury's today so maybe it will help take my mind off smoking, it's not like I'm sat at home with temptation. I only have one break in an eight hour shift, and after you have had your lunch etc there isn't much time to go to the front of the store, walk across to the smoking area, roll a ciggie and come all the way back again. So I'll give it yet another go. Pains in my chest, how scary.
I think I have also have the answer to one of the UK's biggest problems, unruly youths. OK, here it is, if a child leaves school at 16 and goes straight in to a good job, or stays on in education and gets good grades, and has no criminal record whatsoever, then the government gives them a massive pay off as a reward, (rather than the measly weasly £30 a week ETA dependent on parent's earnings, pah!) enough as a deposit for a home or something. I know in an ideal world you should not have to reward people for being civilised human beings, but it could work in this day and age, cos nothing else seems to be.
P.S If they fail to end up civilised human beings they should go in Brainwhisper's culling queue.
I still have pains, a very tight chest, I am ignoring it, trying not to worry too much, and yes Delores this has scared me enough to take action, I've never had chest pains before, and this pain is right in my heart, tis not nice.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Posted by sparkx at Wednesday, December 03, 2008
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Please try to use a giving up aid. You will have more success I think.
Chest pain could be anything. Don't worry about it. Do give up smoking though.
I want Lynbo to go and get checked out at the hospital NOW.
Hope you're feeling a bit better by now m'dear.
Wishing you luck with giving up smoking... I know how hard it is, I've tried lots of times too. The first few days are the hardest aren't they, when you're reaching for the packet and it's not there. Maybe save the money you would of been spending on them, then treat yourself at the end of the week, will give you something to look forward to :o)
Wiggly letters say "lynbonosmoke" today... really they do!
chest pain should NEVER be ignored....
Donna here in bloggerville just had a heart attack and triple bypass..after ignoring her chest pain for 3 days...
sorry to be the chest pain nazi police...
If the chest pain is still there tmrw then fine, go to the docs but don't get all sick with worry everytime you have a pain somewhere.
Although saying that, I really should go to the doctors about the pain that is coming from that massive bleeding lump on my back.
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