Monday, 8 December 2008

I have just made a doctors appointment, for 9.30 this morning. The pain wasn't too bad when I got up this morning, but it's getting worse. I had a bit of a moment, I was calmy sitting here playing with me blog and my heart started thumping in my chest, may have been an anxiety attack but it just came from nowhere. Breathing is also hurting me now, so I am breathing shallow, which I guess could have caused the anxiety attack. Oh I don't know.
So :sigh: I guess I best go get it checked out, just in case.
Be back soon x


Delores Getmeslippers said...

I am so glad you are going to docs. Let me know how you get on.

Sara said...

Now you can relax... it can be scary when something is wrong and you don't know what it is.
((( )))'s for anxiety attack, they're scary too.