Thursday, 27 November 2008

driving hell

I hate hate hate driving. Driving used to be a pleasure, when I passed many moons ago, but now I absolutely hate it. There's far too many cars on the road, cars cars cars, every turning, every space taken up, there's too many cars for the road space. The school run is horrendous. Somebody was bibbing behind me this morning while I was waiting at a busy crossroads, what the feck do they want me to do? Pull out in front of a car or two so he can get to work on time. I was so so close to just jumping out and shouting at the arsehole 'does it make you feel manly bibbing your horn constantly?' Twat. Incidentally his impatience did cause me to nip in, in front of a car, of which I did misjudge, this car was going miles to fast, I was about one second away from a collision, and this caused this car to also beep his horn. You can't win. It's a trauma, when I get home I am physically shaking. I hate it.

Jack was cycling for a while, he's ok cycling there in the mornings, when it isn't hissing down, but honestly, the traffic outside his school, which incidentally is on an industrial estate with lorries and ten ton of traffic, when he comes out of school it's dark and he is so insignificant amongst all that chaos, especially when it's 5 o'clock, the start of rush hour, people just want to get home, their windows aren't properly unsteamed, there's drizzle on the windows, visibility is poor, what chance does Jack have?

I am going to have to brainstorm, figure out another way, I can't do this journey twice a day, the statistics, I've already had two near misses this week, and also that incident where one schoolboy thought it would be funny to push another one in to the road, in front of me, luckily I was only doing about 5/10 mph.

There is going to be a bad accident soon, the school didn't think through the whole thing about kids being taken to and collected from school, there needs to be some traffic lights, a crossing, anything to make this safer. I can't be the only one experiencing this. It truly is horrendous.


Anonymous said...

5 o clock?
What school finishes at 5pm?

Can he not get a bus. I used to live miles and miles from my school. I would walk for 40 minutes to the bus stop.

Andy said...

I know exactly what you mean by the traffic conditions, try driving through Maidsone on a cold wet rush hour and you will realise why people in the know use Park and Ride!

As for the school if it is the one I think it is-it was featured on Radio Kent a few weeks ago with the lorries parking up there overnight before heading for the tunnel or ferry. Aparently they quite often leave a personalised calling card-filthy buggers. There is a scheme being started to clean up the area, lets hope it succeeds.

Unknown said...

I feel your pain Lynn, will email you with a coupla of ideas.
Was nice to see you last week xx
WV zoodsrsu, Zoods-Arse-U!